Friday, May 8, 2009

The Four Ways to Grow you Business

Did you know that there are just four ways to grow your business? I know it sounds crazy but it's true. Regardless of what type of business you have, there are just four ways to grow it.

Now these "four ways" are no secret. In fact, they've been written about countless times by many different authors. Unfortunately, these "four ways" tend to be quickly forgotten once we start working "in" our businesses rather than "on" our them (more on this concept in a later post).

So what are these "four ways"? Simple, the four ways to grow your business are:
  1. Attract new customers (of the type you want),
  2. Increase the value of each customer transaction,
  3. Increase transaction frequency, and
  4. Improve the efficiency of business processes.

Sounds simple, doesn't it. Well, on the surface it is but, as is usually the case, the devil is in the details. You see there are may different concepts under each of these "ways" and many more methods you can use under each concept.

Going forward, my goal is to focus on each the "four ways" and the concepts underlying them. We'll also discuss methods to improve each of these areas using strategies that have proven to be successful time after time. Some of them you can do yourself and for some you will need to recruit someone to help out. But in any event, the more you work on these "four ways" the more your business and your life will improve.

Until next time . . . continue to enjoy many good things!

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